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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a transformative technology expected to drive significant financial growth and innovation across various industries. With applications in automation, dataanalytics, healthcare, financialservices, and transportation, AI's market value is projected to be worth $80 trillion by 2030. High-profile investors and CEOs like jeffBezos and CathieWood are highlighting AI's value proposition, making it a focal point for investors seeking to capitalize on the next wave of technological advancement. We are collaborating with SRM Ramapuram Campus - Chennai India and numerous other partners to deliver this five-day virtual program that will have a significant influence and inspire many young people to pursue careers in AI . To be recognized as a top AI expert, one should focus on emerging topics and collaborate with experts in the field ( Certainly this workshop help to achieve this ) Leveraging personal experiences and insights can provide a unique perspective. Data-driven insights can enhance articles' relevance and make them more useful. Engaging with the community can increase visibility and open doors for further research and publication. Focusing on quality over quantity can enhance contributions to the AI field. One can work on a well-researched, well-written, and well-received article will better protect one's reputation and career.